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Changing Things Up

Because I have gone back to work as the communications director at my former employer, I have to be cautious about what I say and where I say it. Sadly, this means that this site will have to take on a different tone and purpose. It will likely focus more on writing in general, my weight loss journey, spiritual issues, and eventually–after my weight loss–what I wear to present a good impression considering that I am only 5 feet tall. My Twitter feed will still feature political issues but this site needs to be modified so that I don’t present anything that says too much or says anything that may appear to conflict with the official statements coming out from our office.

If you have followed in the past, I apologize– but I hope you stick around!

Technology Challenges

This site has been down since the end of June and I could not figure out what was going on. My hosting company charged my fee to renew my hosting and, within the hour, my website was down (hidden–even the admin page wouldn’t come up!).

It has been driving me nuts that I haven’t been able to figure out the issue. After working on this for hours, reloading WordPress, re-creating my staging site and re-syncing the whole thing, I was finally able to make the website visible again.


Technology Challenges

If you’ve read my biography, you’ll know I have two sons on the autism spectrum. Last year, I had just straightened out my website and restored the customization when my middle child spilled water on my brand new laptop. Sadly, the spill fried the motherboard. Then our desktop lost its ability to recognize our password after an update from Microsoft (and we could nothing to bypass this problem). We have truly had some technology challenges this year.

I am writing this post on a brand new laptop and our desktop has been repaired so my hope is we are now beyond any major technological trauma but you never know…