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To Vote or Not to Vote–That is a Question

My daughter and I got into an argument tonight over her voter registration–as in she didn’t want to register and I made her. She is still upset with me. 

I told her that she could register and, if she didn’t want to vote, that was up to her but at least she would be registered to vote when the time comes.

She says she is confused and has friends on social media who have strong opinions about issues that leave her unsure of where she stands on things. 

Unfortunately, these “friends” on social media are people she has never met in person but she considers them friends. If only I could organize a friendship with a decent, reasonable young woman–who is like-minded and who could influence her in a good way—but, as it stands in today’s world, social media “friends” trump real live people in the same room. 

What really, really bothers me is that politics has become so dirty and messy—a la the Kavanaugh hearings—that my daughter isn’t even sure if she wants to vote.

I grew up in the tail end of the Cold War. I couldn’t imagine not exercising my right to vote. In fact, I think I’ve missed only one vote (during a primary) and that was due to a work-related project and I didn’t get to the polls in time. 

It’s horrible that a young person on the cusp of adulthood feels confused by politics and doesn’t know how to move forward.

My husband and I are going to talk to her about the issues and ask her to look into them. We can help her investigate her representatives and where they stand on issues—but she has to decide what to do with the information. 

I am hoping that this doesn’t lead to extensive or long-term apathy toward politics or voting–but she has me worried. 


Modern Civility

I am not going to opine on whether Judge Brett Kavanaugh is innocent or whether Dr. Ford is a victim. There are plenty of people out there who have strong opinions on both sides.

What I am concerned about is the idea that we are innocent until proven guilty–until you are tried in the court of public opinion. And when you are tried in the court of public opinion, some members of the public can embarrass you and your family, threaten you and your family–without reservations–because, in their minds, the end justifies the means.

It does not.

The means in which we engage each other matters. It matters that we treat each other with civility and kindness. Dr. Ford may be a victim but Judge Kavanaugh may not be her assailant. Each deserves a presumption of innocence.

Having worked for a citizens’ lobby group, I know how hearings work and how interested parties can visit and lobby their congressman or senator. It was horrible to see the interruptions, the yelling in the hallways, and the confrontations in the elevator. This is not how we encourage true discourse on the most vital issues of our day.

Personally, I would be inclined to vote in the opposite direction of what those protesters were advocating. I would not be persuaded by hyperbolic arguments based on emotional appeals–especially if they were screamed at me.

Sadly, civility, which is what gives us the ability to disagree and remain unified in the fundamentals, seems to be a thing of yesterday–thrown away at will because the “ends justify the means” for some.